
Applicants will have 4+ years experience outside the fashion, luxury and beauty industries in areas such as Accounting, Finance, HR, IT, Legal and Marketing. Successful candidates are interviewed as part of the selection process.

Evening workshops are designed to give holistic insight into the current climate of the UK fashion, luxury and beauty industries, an understanding of the creative process, an overview of business models and the challenges facing businesses today.

Career Development
The programme includes careers coaching, interview preparation and networking. Candidates will complete a brief to embed their learning and guide their career transition.

The Outsiders Perspective work closely with candidates and our portfolio of leading brand partners to match each candidate with relevant career opportunities.

Network & Community
Candidates have access to industry leaders and build a network with TOP alumni giving them support with their career transition.
Discover the spectrum of operational, commercial and marketing functions available within the fashion and luxury industries today.
Become a Candidate
We are looking for dynamic, enthusiastic, and passionate, diverse talent wanting to make the move into a career in the luxury, fashion, beauty and media sectors.